Busy, busy, busy....
Haih. What a nice way to start a new year. Work work work.
What??!?! No celebrations?! SIIIIIIIGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Like anyone would want to go out after 10pm anyway... T________T
So, ma work lor. But the work was fun...although I'm just helping to promote SKII's new product....Signs-up Lifter KONON....RM 348 for a small vial?!?!?! Man, only old and rich people who don't know where to spend their money before they....you know.... :P can afford those...
Nice friends....Lotsa lengluiz...No lengcai...yadda yadda yadda....and most of all...NO FREE SAMPLES!!! ARGGHH!!!!! T______T
Hmmm...but RM 100 per day is reasonable enough I guess. Well, if u take away the 'working on holiday' part. It's like....around RM 12.50 per hour for just standing around looking pretty and smilling to all those ah sou ah ma....NICE!! I LIKE!!!! ;P
Anyway, on 31st december I got a letter from Clarins...saying I won a RM200 worth of Clarins product voucher...YAY~!!! ^___^ Nice nice ^_^ First attempt to win those kind of contests in The Star and won. I GENG!!!! MUAWAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!! XD XD XD I wonder if they'll print out what I wrote to them...-.-||| Paiseh.... My funniest/worst make-up experience....although it was 100% a true story....
So, basically that's how I passed my eve and new year. B-O-R-I-N-G. *yawns* Now I shall get my beauty sleep....hope I can get up tomorrow for my last day of work....T_____T
OMG RM100 a day? Wow thats really good..Too bad its temporary...RM12.50 for an hour just promoting products is really lucrative. Well anyways Happy New Year! Dunno what else to write just got back from night classes.~Tired...-Lytros-
Anonymous, at 11:18 PM
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