Shifting out. Or in. Whatever. *roll eyes*
Oh duh. Shifting out. Sounds fun. Something that I've kinda longed for so I could be free at last.
Or so I've assumed.
But again, it's kind of unnerving to be shifting out from a place you've stayed for almost all of your life. A new surrounding, a new life. A new beginning shall I say?
Oh well. I'm not THAT far away from home anyway. It's like, just 20 minutes of driving WITHOUT the jam or 40 minutes of train hopping, whichever I prefer.
But still, I can't imagine myself doing all the housework. Not that there's a lot to be done anyway...nothing major....well...except cleaning the toilet....*HORRORS!!!!*
Oh gawd, I didn't even think of that. =_="
Oh damn. Whatever. I haven't even shifted in and I'm already worrying bout WASHING TOILETS. How do you say it in Japanese? Otearai ga abimasu~!? Gah sounds weird. So much for my 'cut and paste' Japanese. T_T
Till then....oh fark. I don't give a damn. GRrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr.........